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Dec1708:00 PM EST

Clinical Manifestations and Management of Parkinson's Disease - Live Webinar on December 17, 2024 8PM ET

Learn to manage Parkinson’s disease medications effectively with this activity. Refresh your understanding of its pathophysiology, drug targets, classes of antiparkinson's drugs, clinical use, and adverse effects.

About this webinar

Clinicians, especially pharmacists, are highly trained to manage the complex medication regimens of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Adequate attention is required in managing Parkinson’s medications and side effects. Otherwise, symptoms can become poorly controlled, and the patient’s condition can deteriorate easily. Accordingly, clinicians’ knowledge needs to be up-to-date on the recent discoveries and clinical guidelines in the management of Parkinson's disease.

This activity will provide a refresher on the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and help them understand and identify the biological targets for drug intervention. It will also discuss the different classes of antiparkinson's drugs, their clinical use, and their adverse effects.

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

    Describe the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease

    Discuss the motor and non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease

    Explain the targets and strategy for treating Parkinson’s disease

    Discuss the pharmacology and clinical use of the different classes of drugs used in Parkinson's disease

Universal Activity Number Pharmacist:0657-0000-22-103-L01-P
Universal Activity Number Pharmacist Tech:0657-0000-22-103-L01-T
Target Audience:
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Dental Therapist
Clinical Laboratory Technician
Certified Respiratory Therapist
Certified Nursing Assistant
Autonomous Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
Speech-Language Pathologist - SA
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers
Certified Nurse Midwife
Licensed Social Worker
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Certified Master Social Worker
Licensed Independent Marriage and Family Therapist
Licensed Independent Social Worker
Health Access Dentist
Nursing Assistive Personnel
Expanded Function Dental Assistant
Medical Nucleaur Radiological Physicist
Therapeutic Radiological Physicist
Registered Respiratory Therapist
Dental Hygienist
Certified Nurse Aides
Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary
Advanced Dental Assistant
Registered Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Practice Nurses
Athletic Trainer
Occupational Therapist
Clinical Laboratory Technologist
Clinical Laboratory Director
Forensic Nurse-CSA
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Psychiatric Nurse
Physical Therapy Assistant
Clinical Nurse Specialist
APRN - Certified Nurse Midwife
Licensed Practical Nurse
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
Nurse Practitioner
Licensed Psychiatric Technician Nurse
Registered Nurse
Licensed Nursing Assistant
Physical Therapist
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
Public Health Nurse
Licensed Vocational Nurse
Medical Physicist
Dental Technician
Licensed Masters Social Worker
Community Dental Health Coordinator
Respiratory Therapist
Master's Social Work
Respiratory Care Practitioner Critical Care
Dental Lab
Certified Nurse Specialist
Respiratory Care Practitioner
Speech-Language Pathologist Ltd
Licensed Certified Social Worker
Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker
Licensed Independent Social Worker Dual
Certified Nursing Assistant
Respiratory Care Practitioner Non-Critical Care
Registered Social Worker Assistant
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor
Registered Dental Assistant
General Dentist
Pharmacy Technician
Bachelor's Social Worker
Licensed Independent Social Worker Advanced Practice
Dental Assistant Radiographer
Clinical Laboratory Supervisor
Medical Health Physicist
Licensed Graduate Social Worker
Speech-Language Pathologist
Licensed Independent Social Worker Clinical Practice
Diagnostic Radiological Physicist
Dental Assistant
Expiration Date:01/18/2026
Release Date:01/18/2023
Ce Broker Id:20-978920
Activity Type:Knowledge-based

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Tamer E. FandyRPh, BCGP, PhD

Dr. Fandy is both a pharmacist and a pharmaceutical scientist. He practiced pharmacy in Maryland, Vermont, and West Virginia and is currently a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP). He obtained his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Southern California and the University of Maryland, respectively. He started his academic career as an Assistant Professor at Albany College of Pharmacy in 2010 and then joined the school of pharmacy at the University of Charleston in 2016, where he serves as the Professor & Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical & Administrative Sciences. Dr. Fandy is a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology, and his research focuses on oncology, pharmacology, and experimental therapeutics.

$ 30.00 1.5 hours