Beta-Adrenergic Blockage in Critical Illness - Live Webinar on February 19, 2025 10AM EST
Learn the evolving role of beta blockers in acute care. Explore recent literature, dosing, controversies, and monitoring in novel disease states like burns, sepsis, and TBI for hospital-based providers.

About this webinar
Over the last several years, there has been increased interest in the role of beta blockers in the acute care setting. Traditionally, these medications have been viewed as outpatient medications for blood pressure, acute coronary syndrome, or heart failure. Further, they are viewed as potentially having adverse effects if a patient is hemodynamically unstable and hospitalized. However, newer literature in burns, sepsis, traumatic brain injury and other areas shows a unique role for this class of medications that warrants discussion and exploration. This live webinar seeks to build upon traditional knowledge of beta blockers by discussing new and emerging literature in novel disease states that may apply to any pharmacist or healthcare provider working in a hospital or acute care setting. The activity will review the literature in these disease states, discuss common dosing schema, identify current controversies and emerging literature, and review monitoring of this medication class.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
Review the beta-adrenergic physiology and rationale for utilizing β-blocker (βB) therapy in critical illness.
Evaluate available literature regarding βB therapy in critical illness.
Describe evidence-based βB use in presentations of critical illness including sepsis, severe burns, traumatic brain injury, and cardiac arrest.

Andrea Sikora Newsome, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP, FCCM is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. She received her PharmD from the University of Georgia before completing her PGY-1 and PGY-2 in Critical Care at the University of North Carolina Medical Center. She is currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Clinical Research from Emory University and is also a KL2 Scholar through the Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance Program.