How Technology Addresses Nursing Shortage

By Zack Janiel
How Technology Addresses Nursing Shortage

One of the latest trends in the healthcare industry is the use of technology in nursing. The United States is experiencing a nursing shortage, with over 200,000 job openings expected yearly. Many factors contribute to this issue, including an aging population. Technology can help bridge this gap by improving access to care and making life easier for both nurses and patients. Here are a few ways how healthcare industry uses technology in nursing.


What’s In The Article?

  • The Nursing Shortage

  • Technology In The Healthcare Industry

  • Addressing The Impacts Of Nursing Shortage Using Technology

  • Understanding Telehealth

  • Final Thoughts


The Nursing Shortage

Nurses are in short supply across the country. The shortage of nurses has been a growing issue for many years, and it is only getting worse. As more people enter the labor force and the demand for healthcare rises, there simply needs to be more nurses to meet this demand.

Nursing shortages must be addressed immediately, so patients receive the best care. This shortage affects all areas of healthcare, but it is particularly severe in critical areas such as neonatal intensive care. There are numerous reasons for the shortage of nurses, including the following:

  • An aging workforce

  • A lack of incentives for young people to enter the field

  • Low pay in comparison to other professions

  • Workplace problems such as burnout and overwork

Nursing shortages are a serious problem that affects patients all over the country. It is critical to remember that nurses are more than just people who take your temperature or administer injections. They are highly trained professionals who can provide life-saving care. The most effective way to combat this issue is to raise awareness and encourage more people to enter this field.


Technology In The Healthcare Industry

Despite this trend, technology in nursing are emerging, which can help address the shortage. Telehealth and remote monitoring technologies have been used in other industries to improve patient care and reduce costs. Nurses can use these tools to be in multiple places at once, track patients from a distance, and assist them in managing their illnesses.

Technology is transforming the healthcare industry, helping us address the impacts of the nursing shortage and making our jobs easier. How we work has changed and will continue to change as technology advances.


Addressing The Impacts Of Nursing Shortage Using Technology

Nurses must be educated on new technologies before using them in their practice. As technology advances rapidly, people increasingly use smartphones and other devices for daily tasks. This trend indicates that nurses can manage patients from home or anywhere else. By allowing them to assess patients remotely via video conferencing software, technology can also help reduce travel time between work locations. It will enable them to spend more time on patient care rather than commuting between hospitals or clinics. Technological advances also help reduce workforce issues contributing to the nursing shortage, such as overwork and stress. The following are some ways in which technology in nursing helps provide quality patient care despite the shortage.


Technology can improve access to care.

The healthcare industry faces many challenges, including a nursing shortage and an aging population. Nurses are needed in more remote areas and with limited mobility, and they must also be able to travel for patients who lack the ability or means to leave their homes. Technology has addressed these issues by improving communication between nurses and doctors, allowing them to collaborate on patient care plans from anywhere.


Technology can help nurses with their jobs.

Nurses are at the forefront of healthcare, and technological advances have allowed them to provide better patient care. They use computers and other digital devices in their work environments to access patient records from anywhere in the facility or remotely via mobile devices such as smartphones or tablet computers.


Technology allows people to work from home and remotely.

People can now work from home or remotely due to advances in technology. Nurses can take advantage of this by working remotely if their employers allow it. However, there are some drawbacks here. Because there is no physical presence, remote work necessitates more communication between nurses and patients. This could result in miscommunication among the parties involved, resulting in incorrect treatment plans being implemented on patients.


Understanding Telehealth

Telehealth refers to using technology to provide healthcare remotely, such as video conferencing, electronic medical records, and telemonitoring (remote patient monitoring). These tools enable doctors and nurses to provide care in places other than hospitals or clinics, such as patients' homes or workplaces. Nurses can use telehealth to access medical records and communicate with patients, which benefits both the patient and the nurse.

Furthermore, telehealth can be used to assist nurses in rural areas where there are fewer doctors available. Nurses can improve patient care while also lowering costs by reducing the need for travel. Remote nursing allows nurses to provide patient care services using technological tools like web cameras from a remote location instead of bringing patients into an office setting. 

The potential of artificial intelligence and automation are also expected to be increasingly important in health care delivery. Robots can help with routine tasks such as medication dispensing. The following sections explain how remote nursing and AI assist nurses in providing patient care.


Remote Nursing

Remote nursing enables patients to receive care from nurses located far away but still capable of providing quality care. Hospitals have used the technology, which has been shown to increase patient satisfaction while decreasing costs associated with doctor and nurse travel time.

Remote nursing can also benefit nurses who have chronic diseases or disabilities and are unable to work full-time due to their conditions. It gives them employment opportunities despite the limitations that may prevent them from working in traditional settings.

Furthermore, remote options make financial sense because less commuting time means more money saved on gas costs alone. Nurses can remotely check on patients using tablets or smartphones, giving them access to real-time health information. Housebound patients with limited mobility, such as those recovering from surgery or chronic illnesses, can benefit from this advancement. To save money, hospitals can use remote monitoring to replace in-person visits by doctors and nurses. 


Automation And Artificial Intelligence

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) can solve many problems in the nursing job. The automation uses machines to complete tasks that humans can do, like manufacturing or data entry. AI refers to systems capable of performing tasks normally associated with human intelligence, such as learning new information and making decisions independently without being explicitly programmed by people.

Automation and AI significantly impact the healthcare industry, and nurses are not exempt from this transformation. While many think about automation in terms of robots or other machines that replace human labor, machine learning can also improve how information is shared between doctors and patients.

AI can change how we do things as it becomes more advanced. The healthcare industry is one area where automation already has a big impact. Below are some examples of how AI and automation are used in healthcare:

  • Robotic surgical devices can perform surgery with great precision

  • Smart IV pumps deliver medications automatically

  • Computerized systems track patient data from hospital rooms to clinics (and vice versa)

Many hospitals all over America are already using these technologies to address the shortage of nurses. They will eventually become commonplace throughout our lives as they become more affordable and accessible over time.


Final Thoughts

There are numerous modern technological solutions to address the impacts of the nursing shortage. The most promising of these is telehealth and remote monitoring, which enable patients to receive care at home rather than in a hospital. Technology in nursing can assist nurses with their tasks, increase patient access to care, and allow remote or at-home employment.

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